Endorsements of social housing in SAlt Lake City

We will be presenting a letter to Mayor Mendenhall’s office on 1/23/24 urging her to make social housing a priority of her administration by setting a goal to establish a public developer of social housing this year and dedicating funding to the establishment of a social housing program in her recommended budget to the City Council for 2024.

The following organizations and individuals have endorsed our letter to Mayor Mendenhall.

If you would like to add your name or your organization’s name to the list, please send an email to SLCHousing4All@gmail.com. You can also sign our petition here.

Letter to Mayor Mendenhall English or Español


Sara Bybee

Kyle Irvin

Hallie Pope

Caitlin Cahill

Bill Coker

Lucy Cardenas

Danielle Endres, Professor and Director of Environmental Humanities

Ryan K. Smith

Erin Moore